Tomsy Susy Thomas
3 min readApr 21, 2021

Do you feel like a bird with a broken wing? Sometimes, like a bird trapped inside those nets and you don’t know how to escape?

Well, this is probably the scenario of most of us behind the locked rooms. I was born a girl and even that doesn’t made my family to stop me from flying but this pandemic hour did all the wonders. It asked everybody without a gender bias or age bias to stay home and break the chain of this widely spread Covid-19. For us Human Being, it is an arduous journey to stay inside the four walls when many among doesn’t know our own leisure interest. We like an Aircraft began to descend towards a trauma called DEPRESSION. What is depression in a very layman’s language? It is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how we feel, the way we think and the way we act. Fortunately the beauty of Depression is, there is only one medicine to cure which is even not made in any pharmaceutical laboratory but is built within our hearts. The name of this medicine is “I and my willingness” and there is only one Direction mentioned in this medicine which goes like Use me consciously. We people are like plants, some plants need more water like Blue flag iris and some plants need no water or less water like cactus. Similarly we people should apply the medicine of “I and my willingness” accordingly depending upon the depth of this trauma called DEPRESSION.

Being an extrovert I could not accept the four wall policy mentally and was sliding towards depression but Soon after the proclamation of this Lockdown I made my mind to use the medicine “I and my willingness” as a set of prevention. I occupied myself with few of online courses but even that doesn’t gave me much of pleasure. So I made a selfie video on “Internal Motivation i.e. Belief” and uploaded in Facebook and in Instagram as an IGTV on 11th May 2020. The likes and comments made me realise that the words that I poured on the video was directly from my heart and people found it relatable. This was a call for other many lucky chance as I got a call from some people to be a speaker for few minutes in their online sessions. These pieces augmented my confidence and soon I was in Facebook with an audio recording of my Hindi poem titled as “AKELE NAHI HU MAIN” on 22nd May 2020.

The finest way to elevate oneself from Depression in lockdown is to fall in love. Fall in love with someone whom we have always ignored but nobody better than them know and love us. Here I mean to say is fall in love with oneself because nobody ever can love me and understands me the way I does to me. This Lockdown is the best possibility to give time and efforts for oneself. The famous quote of BUDDHA says “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” Once we fall in love with us, we will fall in love with everything around us. The green plants, the chirping birds, the scene of morning sunrise from the window to the daily house core, we would spend seconds and hours with each on it with a gesture of gratification. Then there will not be chance of depression.



Tomsy Susy Thomas

I am an Assistant Professor and writing is my passion. I do love to motivate people in and around.